More than eighty artwalks are held each year throughout Maine. These self-guided tours lead visitors to some of Maine’s world-class art museums, galleries, artist studios, and exhibits in local businesses and cafés. A list of Maine communities that host artwalks can be found at artwalkmaine.org.
In addition to visits to open studios, an artwalk evening may include swank opening receptions, street performances, and a chance to view works in progress or participate in a hands-on workshops. Maine’s artwalks are an intersection of Maine’s contemporary art scene, historic downtowns, the natural world and community hospitality. You can discover artists of island communities, urban centers and revitalized mills. The fine craftsmanship for which Maine is known is on view year round.
Artwalks are traditionally held on Friday evenings from 5-8pm, however, schedules vary and several Maine artwalks take place on Saturday afternoons. More information can be found at artwalkmaine.org.
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