The Maine Arts Commission and the New Brunswick Arts Board are working together on a cross-border artist residency program. Artists from Maine can apply for up to $10,000 to cover a one-to-three month residency for a creation-based or professional development project in New Brunswick, Canada.
This grant provides up to $10,000 to a Maine artists and the deadline for applications is April 1, 2012.
The grant provided by the Maine Arts Commission under this program is $3,000 maximum for one month, $6,000 maximum for two months and $9,000 maximum for three months. It is intended to cover the following expenses: the artist's personal insurance, accommodation and living expenses. It will also cover the costs of purchasing, transporting and insuring the materials required to carry out the project. Applicants may also request up to an additional $1000 to cover their travel expenses to and from their place of residency. One Creative Residency grant will be granted per year.
The proposed residency must take place between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013. Funding will be made available after June 15, 2012.
Interested Artists should contact Vanessa Moeller at Artsnb for assistance with finding an appropriate residency opportunity in New Brunswick. Her e-mail is vmoeller@artsnb.ca. If you already have a New Brunswick residency in mind, please visit the Maine Arts Commission’s website or contact Donna McNeil at donna.mcneil@maine.gov, 207/287-2726.
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