Thursday, September 30, 2010

Maine Museum Report Released

In 2009, the Maine Arts Commission oversaw research at 14 of Maine’s museums in order to determine their economic impact on the state.

Chuck Lawton, chief economist at Planning Decisions, Inc., and Lindsay Rowe, arts recovery and reinvestment coordinator at the Maine Arts Commission, conducted a survey with museum visitors in order to gather important information about why they attend museums in Maine.

Their findings have now been published in a report titled, Maine Museums: An Economic Impact Study. Among the many interesting facts and figures in this report are the following highlights: approximately 442,000 people visited the 14 museums in 2009, spending approximately $71 million and producing a sales impact close to $148 million. This generated tax revenues for state and local governments of more than $7.5 million.

There are many more facts and figures throughout this concise report which you can now read in its entirety online.

There are many more reports of this nature on the WebPages of

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