Friday, June 18, 2010

Technology Associate Deadline approaches

The June 25 deadline for applying to the Maine Arts Commission Technology Associate position has almost arrived.

This is professional services work in promoting the arts and humanities in developing and maintaining the agency website using, and Pearl and Oracle databases. A working knowledge of database maintenance, website design and maintenance, imaging software and Microsoft Office suite is preferred. Familiarity with video and audio systems as well as a background in the arts is desirable.

TYPICAL DUTIES: in this job classification include:
• Maintaining and improving the agency’s access database system that synchs with an Oracle server.
• Maintaining and updating the agency’s website.
• Supporting the agency’s electronic grant system.
• Coordinating with technology contractors and governmental technology partners to improve both the database and website.
• Managing subscriptions to the website’s interactive directories.
• Developing innovative agency policies related to the use of technology.
• Participating in state webmaster groups and other technology meetings.
• Supporting the public with agency related inquiries.
• Overseeing technology planning and budgeting within the agency.
• Providing technical support to staff.
• Contributing written materials for agency publications.
• Attending agency related meetings and representing the agency in public.
• Undertaking special projects as assigned.

KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES REQUIRED: (These are required to successfully perform the work assigned).

• Knowledge of modern management principles and practices.
• Knowledge of public relations principles, practices, and techniques.
• Knowledge of the arts, art techniques, and artists.
• Ability to coordinate cultural information with various groups.
• Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing.
• Ability to work independently.
• Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships.
• Ability to follow complex procedural guidelines.
• Ability to speak in public.
• Ability to interpret and explain policies and procedures

A Bachelors Degree in Art, or a related field and two (2) years experience working with artists, art groups, and/or humanities organizations. Directly related experience may be substituted for education on a year-for-year basis. Preference will be given to those applicants with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a working knowledge of database maintenance, website design and maintenance, imaging software and Microsoft office suite.

Please forward a letter of interest, resume and direct hire application form available at the Division of Financial & Personnel Services in Augusta, all Maine Career Center Offices, and on the Division of Financial & Personnel Services web page at The completed application material must be submitted by the closing date to: Division of Financial & Personnel Services, 74 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0074
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