Thursday, January 14, 2010

Maine Design Team Seeks to Reward Creative Students

On behalf of the Maine Design Team (MDT), the Maine Arts Commission is currently seeking submissions of digital video that highlights innovation, imagination and creativity in Maine’s schools. This might include innovations in student learning or in the school process, schedule, structure, curricula and teaching methods. The winning school will be chosen by members of the MDT and will receive $500.

The MDT is a group of innovative thinkers from schools, higher education institutes, the legislature, the business community, the arts community and the Maine Learning Technology Institute. They have come together to kick start Maine’s learning environments, and will focus on ways to inspire students to be innovative and creative problem solvers in all aspects of their lives.

Building upon Einstein’s famous theory of relativity, that states that E=mc², the MDT has developed its own theory of prosperity for the 21st century. The theory states that prosperity is tied to education, and education is only as good as students’ creativity, imagination, and innovation. In other words, E=CI².

To test their theory, the MDT would like to explore the amazing work that is already happening all around the state and are therefore inviting students, teachers, and administrators from any Maine school to submit a digital video that highlights their most innovative, imaginative and creative project. The winning school will receive $500, and several other schools will have their innovative work publicly acknowledged.

The deadline for submissions is April 1, 2010. Those wishing to submit DVDs are asked to keep their submission to a maximum of two minutes. The DVD should be sent to Lindsay Rowe at the Maine Arts Commission, 193 State Street, 25 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0025. Any questions can be directed to Lindsay at 207/287-6720 or

A full list of Design Team members is available at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea from MDT, which really boosts students to perform well!

Sample Creative Resume Format